Geotrichum Candidum Geo 13 (yeast like appearance/wavy appearance)



  • Freeze dried powder (yeast like)

Dosage and pack size

  • Small size will inoculate up to 300 to 1,500 litres of milk (1.6D on screw cap bottle).
  • This is a very concentrated mixture. Less than 1/8 drop spoon (or what can fit onto a tip of a skewer) to 8 litres of milk is required. Or one fifth the volume of white mould added.

Advantages of using Geo 13

  • Intermediate style
  • Geo 13 is fast growing. It establishes really quickly on the surface of the cheese. Because it grows fast surface deacidification occurs quickly, so you get faster white mould growth. This in turn helps reduce bitterness and ammonia flavours, ‘leathery/tough rinds’ and slip skin and reduce the chance of contaminants such as black mould growing.
  • Geo 13 is suitable for both cow and goat milk cheeses. It is especially suited to lactic acid styles of cheese (for a wavy/yeast like appearance)
  • Geo 13 develops a thin, yeast-like, wavy, creamy white surface
  • Complex flavour with fruity and intense creamy flavour.
  • It has high enzymatic activity and improves flavour and cheese texture.


Cheesemaking tips for getting the best from Geotrichum

  • Growth best at 12°C – 20°C.
  • You only have a small volume, follow the dosage directions, addition of more than you require will not provide any benefit.
  • The addition of at least one Geo variety to white mould cheese is an optional cheesemaking practice to generate greater diversity of flavour. When adding more than one variety, the dosage of each variety of Geo should be reduced.
  • Geo can also be used on lactic curd types of cheeses where white mould is grown. The Geo is especially important in this case as there is extra acidity in this type of curd that needs to be neutralised before the white mould can grow.
  • Geo is sensitive to salt. For this reason, the Geo is usually added to the milk (recommended) but can also additionally be added to the brine or sprayed onto the cheese after dry salting. For spraying onto the surface, white mould and/or Geo can be added to 100ml boiled cooled water with 0.9g of salt.  Add mixture to a spray bottle and lightly misted over the cheese.  Do a 2nd misting a few hours later