Cheese Press + Pressure Gauge + Screw Down Fasteners

Cheese Press + Pressure Gauge + Screw Down Fasteners


Size Medium: 

This press can be used for any size cheese hoop up to 180mm wide and 250mm tall, there is no minimum hoop dimension

Size Large:

This press can be used for any size cheese hoop and follower up to 250mm wide and 250mm tall (before pressing), there is no minimum hoop dimension

Pressure at any amount of up to 40kg can be applied to each cheese. Most cheese will require less pressure than 40kg. The pressure measuring plate will allow you to quickly and easily measure and quickly adjust if necessary the different pressures applied to the cheese.

The press includes:

  • 1 pressure measuring plate
  • 2 x 8mm stainless steel rods,
  • 1 x 2cm thick HDPE base plate,
  • 2 x 2cm thick HDPE followers,
  • 2 x stainless steel springs, custom-made for the steel rod,
  • 2 screw-on lobe knob fasteners for applying the pressure (Quick-release knobs can be purchased as an additional item),
  • 4 mini feet at the base of the press with stainless steel screws,
  • Assembly instructions.

The cheese press mimics commercial cheese presses but on a home cheesemaker scale.

The press has been made deliberately made free of timber base and followers, as moving timber parts will wear easily when they become wet and timber does not have the resilience of the solid food grade plastic

It is easy to use, easy to clean, has no wear and tear and will last a lifetime.

Instructions for assembly and use will be provided. You will need to assemble the press, which will take 5 minutes. There is no need to dismantle the press after use, just wash the whole unit in warm soapy water, rinse with warm water and towel dry. The press can even be placed in the dishwasher.

The followers will move easily up and down over the stainless-steel rods so the cheese hoop/s can be easily positioned before pressing.

The large clamping lobe knobs, one for each stainless steel rod, are for simple screwing down to tighten the springs during pressing and then unscrewing to loosen the pressure at the end of pressing (cheese press quick release brackets/knobs are available).

One cheese can be pressed by itself or two smaller cheese can be pressed side.

A plastic draining tray, to catch the whey that is pressed from the cheese is not included with each press. A draining tray can be purchased separately or an oven baking tray will work.

Hoops in the picture are not included.

This same press is used at each of the Intensive Cheesemaking courses year after year.

* The quick-release knobs and stainless steel hoop in the picture are not included.


Thank you for Your Interest in a Cheesemaking Course

Making cheese prior to the course is not essential but it is very strongly recommended. I have found that over many years of providing cheesemaking courses, having some basic cheesemaking experience before you get to the course is an enormous help with taking in the information provided at the course.

To help you start to make cheese at home, there are several kits available, starting from $60 plus postage. Each kit has detailed instructions so that you can easily make lots of cheese in your own home, without having made cheese previously. See the range of available kits here. You can easily add to the kits once you have completed the course.

As an incentive to start making cheese, I am offering you a 5% discount on the price of any of the kits (excluding postage) - Just add the kit to your cart and use the code KIT at the checkout.

View the Cheesemaking Kits