The cheesemaking kits
The cheesemaking kits have been developed by Graham Redhead, one of Australia’s most accomplished cheesemakers. Graham has been teaching commercial and home cheesemakers in Australia and overseas for many years. Using that experience he has put together a series of recipes that provide detailed information so you can make great cheese easily but can also understand the cheesemaking process.
All the cheeses that you make with these kits do not require any previous cheesemaking experience.
There are six cheesemaking kits. Each of the kits will make you hundreds of cheeses. The equipment and ingredients are of the same premium quality that is provided to commercial cheesemakers.
The only items that you may need to purchase are pasteurised not homogenized milk and depending on the recipe some supermarket cream or some basic table salt. Some of the cheese may have the option to add your favourite herbs and spices and if required are listed in each recipe.
The recipes allow you to use cow, goat, sheep and buffalo milk. Each recipe requires between 1 litre and 4 litres of milk and maybe some additional cream.
Each of the kits has three components:
- An 80 page reference booklet full of lots of background cheesemaking information
- A 20 page recipe instructions guide to explain how to perform the steps
- Each recipe is several pages long
- The recipes, background information booklet and the recipes will be emailed to the person purchasing the kit. There are around 120 pages or more of information and this is too much paper to include with the hardware in the cheesemaking kit
- Each kit will have several items that will require storage in the freezer and the fridge when you receive the kit
- If the kit is posted in a plain box and a tracking email is sent after postage