Technical name
Debaryomyces Hansenii
- Freeze-dried in 10 dose foil sachet will inoculate up to 5,000 litres of milk
- Small size will inoculate up to 800 litres of milk (1.6D on screw cap bottle or 1/6th of the pack)
Direct addition to the milk of 1 dose per 1000 l milk, or sprayed on the surface at a rate of 1 dose per 100 kg cheese. If spraying, the culture must be re-hydrated in a 3% salt solution for 16 hours at 4⁰C before application.
Benefits of using DH
- DH is not as acid tolerant as KL71, the optimum pH for growth is 5.8, of those three yeasts it is an average de-acidifier, better than KL but not as good as CUM. It does not ferment sugars but only metabolize them aerobically (with the aid of oxygen) without the production of alcohol.
- Unlike KL71 and CUM, DH grows only slightly in the matrix of the cheese but very well on the surface where it does contribute to the rind formation.
- Aroma developed: nutty, malty, and cheesy with some cooked cabbage notes. The amount of flavour contributed during ripening is significant and will be much lessened if DH is only sprayed on the surface.
- Enzymatic activity: caseolytic (texture softening) slight activity, aminopeptidase (flavour from protein breakdown) moderate, lipolytic (flavour from fat breakdown) moderate.
Used in conjunction with:
- All lactic cultures
- Other yeasts dose a more complex flavour profile and better de-acidification when used in conjunction with KL71.
- Penicillium Candidum
- Geotrichum Candidum
- Penicillium Roqueforti
- Corynebacteria (Brevibacterium linens, Arthrobacter nicotianae, Staphylococcus Xylosus)
Types of cheeses used:
- Soft bloomy cheeses
- Washed rinds (all types: soft, pressed uncooked, pressed cooked)
- Blue cheeses (soft and semi hard)
- Milled curd
- Washed curd
- Semi hard