How much starter culture should you add to each cheese?

The volume of cultures that you add to your cheesemaking milk varies with different cheeses.

See the three specifications from the technical data sheet for three products: M244, Flora Danica and Probat 222. These cultures are very popular but are manufactured by three different companies. Each contains four microbes (LL + LC + LD + LM). These three products can be used interchangeably to make the same cheese. But nowhere does it say on the specification to add ‘X’ amount of culture to ‘X’ volume of milk for a certain cheese. It is very confusing information for the cheesemaker to interpret.

Each company that produces these cheesemaking cultures never specifies a specific amount of culture for a specific volume of milk for a specific cheese. They all specify a ‘range’ of usage. There is a good reason for this; many cheeses may require a different amount of culture to be added to a specific volume of milk. For example, a lactic acid cheese will require a lower volume of culture than a Camembert, which requires less than a Triple Cream, which may be less volume than a Gouda, which may be less than a Blue Vein cheese and so on…

Also, cheesemakers may want to make a cheese with different characteristics; it may be something as simple as a cheese with extra acidity or less moisture or something more detailed such as greater eye development or an open texture in the cheese.

Also note the different ‘language’ used by each company to refer to the dosage: U, UA, DCU.



Bioprox M244

Manufacturing: 2 to 6 UA* / 100 L of milk.=

Eg: 2 to 3 UA* / 100L of milk for fresh cheeses; 2 to 6 UA* / 100L of milk for soft cheeses and cream


CHR Hansen Flora Danica

Recommended dosage of freeze-dried DVS cultures in unites to liters:

DVS inoculation percentage

              Amount of milk to be inoculated

1,000 l

5,000 l

10,000 l

15,000 l

1000U/5000 l





500U/ 5000 l





250U/5000 l






Danisco Probat 222

Usage Levels


fermented milk & butter

fresh cheese

semi-hard cheese



10-20 DCU / 100l

5-20 DCU / 100l

15-40 DCU / 100l

20-50 DCU / 100l


Also note that these two cultures are vastly different in texture. The M244 and Probat 222 are very milk powder like while the Flora Danica has a very aerated open texture. It reminds me of rice bubbles. The simple solution for the cheesemaker is to use a good recipe and the volume of culture listed in the cheesemaking recipe. You should also record the following information when you make each cheese. Boring I know, but it is very important if you want to keep improving your cheese quality.

  • each step as you make your cheese e.g. milk age, milk supplier, dosages, times, temperatures
  • then after hooping, record the ripening temperatures, times and humidity if you can
  • then tasting notes including general appearance, flavour and aroma, body and texture of the cheese
  • images are very helpful


If the cheese turns out to be perfect, well done, just keep using the same information for the next cheese. However, if you think you can improve the quality of that cheese, you should be able to use the recorded information to modify the recipe to make the next batch of cheese. Please note if you are modifying components of a recipe, only make minimal changes each time, or you risk too many changes to the cheese.

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