180mm HOOP

180mm HOOP


  • 180mm diameter x 110mm high with base.
  • Will require approximately 10 to 15 litres of milk for a non-pressed cheese but this will vary depending on cheese styles and yields.
  • Traditionally used to make a large wheel of many types of cheese including Blue Vein, Havarti, Camembert, Brie.
  • The ‘no-base’ provides excellent drainage of the curd. A blue cheese cloth or muslin may be used as the base for the cheese for turning.
  • End caps and followers are available to purchase separately if you choose to make this hoop into a pressed cheese hoop.
  • Made in France of heavy-duty food grade HDPE.

Hint:  Mucor ‘cats’ hair’ (black mould on my cheese, it can be dense black or spidery black moulds and they develop very fast on the surface of the cheese). Practice good hygiene disinfect cheesemaking and ripening area. Increase salt (salt moisture ratio), reduce humidity of the ripening chamber, allow establishment of Geotrichum (it can outgrow the black moulds) and use quick growing white mould, if washing cheese don’t use saturated brines, these kill the natural flora and allow the contaminants to become established.
