Complete Set: Cheesemaking Booklet, Electronic Yoghurt Maker, Cheesemaking Hoops


Electronic Yoghurt Maker

1 Litre BPA Free Electric Yoghurt Maker. Using this yoghurt maker is easy. There are two easy to use recipes supplied with the yoghurt maker. Once you have made your first few batches of yoghurt at home, there are numerous recipe alternatives to make more specific or alternative styles of yoghurt. This yoghurt maker maintains the precise yoghurt temperature of 37°C and 43°C over the full incubation period. This yoghurt maker can also be used for recipes with reduced fat, full fat and with optional added solids, as well as it works with cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, soy milk and coconut milk. The internal product contacting container is dishwasher safe.

Free probiotic culture included with each yoghurt maker

Cheesemaking Booklet

‘Handmade Cheeses and the beautiful meals they create’. 159 pages of Lyndall Dykes ‘The Cheesemaking Workshop’ is practical, and hands-on with guided step-by-step photographs, advice and tips; it demystifies an ages-old process into a fun, accessible and economical new skill for home cooks of all levels.

Cheesemaking Hoops (mixed set)

  • 1 item x Rectangular 20cm x 13cm x 11cm
  • 1 item x Circular 14 x 14
  • 1 x item Circular 15 x 8.5
  • 3 x items Circular 8 x 7.5
  • 1 item Circular 5 x 5
  • 3 items 10 x 9 (Faiselle (fresh lactic curd) or ricotta outer basket + inner perforated draining basket + lid)
  • 1 item Square 10 x 7
  • 1 item Square 6 x 5
  • 1 item Heart 6 x 5
  • 2 item Thermometer clip


Graham will send these exact hoops, or if sold out prior to your order, I will substitute an alternative hoop of similar shape and value
