Metal rack

Metal rack


  • 250mm x 200mm with 10 x mm legs
  • The metal cheese racks are for standing cheese on when the curds have just been paced into the hoop for draining.
  • The legs on the draining rack suspend the cheese above the draining tray.
  • The solid perforated metal is ideal for supporting the cheese.
  • Note that this rack is not stainless steel, it is plated metal over copper wire. Give the rack a good wash and make sure it is well dry. If some rust does appear, it is only mild and can be easily remove with a green kitchen type scourer.
  • Always ensure that the blue cheese cloth is placed between the cheese and the metal rack (the smooth side of the blue coth against the cheese).
  • Two racks are used for best results during the flipping/turning and draining processes; one rack as the base and one rack for the top.  Then flip the 2 racks (with cheese and hoop in the middle) all at the same time.
  • An alternative to turning/flipping with these racks is to place a piece of cloth/muslin over the end of the hoop before you fill it, this becomes the base for the hoop. To turn the hoop, hold the cloth and the hoop tight and turn the hoop upside down. Place another piece of cloth/muslin with a rubber band over the new top of the cheese. Stand the hoop on the rack to drain. Continue turning/flipping.  Remove the cloth/muslin the next day.
  • One pair of metal draining racks will turn at one time:

– Up to 4 x 90mm hoops
– Up to 3 x 100mm hoops
– Up to 2 x 115mm hoops
– Up to 2 x 130mm hoop
