Electronic Yoghurt Maker


1 Litre BPA Free Electric Yoghurt Maker. Using this yoghurt maker is easy. There are two easy to use recipes supplied with the yoghurt maker. Once you have made your first few batches of yoghurt at home, there are numerous recipe alternatives to make more specific or alternative styles of yoghurt. This yoghurt maker maintains the precise yoghurt temperature of 37°C and 43°C over the full incubation period. This yoghurt maker can also be used for recipes with reduced fat, full fat and with optional added solids, as well as it works with cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, soy milk and coconut milk. The internal product contacting container is dishwasher safe.

Free probiotic culture included with each yoghurt maker


Thank you for Your Interest in a Cheesemaking Course

Making cheese prior to the course is not essential but it is very strongly recommended. I have found that over many years of providing cheesemaking courses, having some basic cheesemaking experience before you get to the course is an enormous help with taking in the information provided at the course.

To help you start to make cheese at home, there are several kits available, starting from $60 plus postage. Each kit has detailed instructions so that you can easily make lots of cheese in your own home, without having made cheese previously. See the range of available kits here. You can easily add to the kits once you have completed the course.

As an incentive to start making cheese, I am offering you a 5% discount on the price of any of the kits (excluding postage) - Just add the kit to your cart and use the code KIT at the checkout.

View the Cheesemaking Kits