Geotrichum Candidum 3 (Geo17)

Geotrichum Candidum – Geo17 (White Mould Appearance)


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Dosage and pack size

·         Large size will inoculate up to 5,000 litres of milk (10D foil sachet)
·         Small size will inoculate up to 800 litres of milk (1.6D on screw cap bottle).
·         This is a very concentrated mixture. Less than 1/8 drop spoon (or what can fit onto a tip of a skewer) to 8 litres of milk is required. Or one fifth the volume of white mould added.

Types of Cheese Geotrichum Candidum can be used on

All white mould such as Camembert, Brie and Triple Cream, Coulommiers, All wash rind varieties eg Raclette, Port Salut, Reblochon, Muenster Taleggio, Tilsit, All washed curd  Chaource, Neufchatel, Chevre, Chèvre frais, St-Maure, St Marcellin, Valençay, Selles- sur- Cher, Lactic Acid Set cheeses, Pouligny St Pierre, Crottin


·         Geo 17 is a typical and common strain of Geotrichum Candidum (Geo) with a white mould like appearance, with a full but fine velvet like white covering of the surface

·         For maximum effect Geo 17 is best used in conjunction with a white mould spore

·         Rapid development occurs on the surface of the cheese over 24 – 48 hours but becomes more established after several days

·         Growth works best at 12°C – 20°C.

·         Flavour development by Geo 17 includes free fatty acids, aldehydes, ketones, thioesters and alcohol amongst many other flavours.

Cheesemaking tips for getting the best from this culture

·         Geo 17 has a low proteolytic activity and a high aminopeptidase activity so it will reduce bitterness and ammonia flavours from over acidity and incorrect rennet usage

·         You only have a small volume, follow the dosage directions, addition of more than you require will provide any benefit

·         The addition of at least one Geo variety to white mould cheese is an optional cheesemaking practice to generate greater diversity of flavour. When adding more than one variety, the dosage of each variety must be reduced.

·         The rapid development of Geo on the surface of the cheese will cause deacidification (neutralising the acid produced from the starter cultures) hastening development of the white mould. It is fast to develop, and this helps minimise ‘leathery/tough rinds’ on white cheese and can also reduce the chance of contaminants such as black mould growing

·         Geo will help reduce slip skin on white moulded cheese

·         Geo can also be used on lactic curd types of cheeses where white mould is grown. The Geo is especially important in this case as there is extra acidity in this type of curd that needs to be neutralised before the white mould can grow.

·         Geo produces lipase and protease enzymes that break down the fats and the proteins to produce fatty acids and peptides that can be used by ensuing microbial populations and that contribute to the development of distinctive flavours in the cheese. This is exactly the same way that white mould produces lipase and protease enzymes to produce different flavours.  However, white mould develops quite a lot more flavour than Geo.

·         Geo is sensitive to salt. For this reason, the Geo is usually added to the milk (recommended) but can also additionally be added to the brine or sprayed onto the cheese after dry salting. For spraying onto cheese prepare a spray bottle by sanitising it well with hot water.  Add approximately 200ml of boiled cool water (no chemical sanitising) to the spray bottle, shake and lightly ‘mist’ (do not soak the cheese) the contents onto all sides of the cheese. White mould (and Geo) can be added together to the 200ml of water if you want white mould coverage.

·         The biomechanical reactions continue once the cheese has been packaged and stored at low temperatures.


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Making cheese prior to the course is not essential but it is very strongly recommended. I have found that over many years of providing cheesemaking courses, having some basic cheesemaking experience before you get to the course is an enormous help with taking in the information provided at the course.

To help you start to make cheese at home, there are several kits available, starting from $60 plus postage. Each kit has detailed instructions so that you can easily make lots of cheese in your own home, without having made cheese previously. See the range of available kits here. You can easily add to the kits once you have completed the course.

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