Mesophile Thermophile (MTF)

Mesophile Thermophile (MTF)


Dosage and pack size

  • Small size (5UA screw cap bottle) will inoculate 150 to 500 litres of milk depending on dosage used
  • An approximate guide for usage is 1 Dash mini spoon or 1/8th spoon to 8 litres of milk

Types of Cheese MTF can be used on

Feta, Greek Feta, Simple to make cheeses, Pizza Cheese


MTF is a multipurpose, multiple strain mesophilic and thermophilic culture blend. It has a lot of diversity of cultures in one packet. The acidifying cultures Streptococcus thermophilus, and Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis produce acid, the Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactococcus lactis ssp Lactis biovar. diacetylactis cultures add flavour.

If using a mixture of MTF a temperature that suits mesophile and thermophile growth eg 35°C – 37°C should be considered.

  • Flavour profile: 4 out 5
  • Acid production: 4 out 5
  • Resistance to bacteriophage: 4 out 5