Penicillium Candidum White Mould 2 (PC ABL)

Penicillium Candidum White Mould (PC ABL)


Dosage and pack size

·         Large size will inoculate 2000 to 3,000 litres of milk (foil sachet).

·         Small size will inoculate up to 300 to 500 litres of milk (1.6D on screw cap bottle).

·         This is a very concentrated mixture. Add 1/4 drop spoon (or what can fit onto a tip of a skewer x 2 times) to 8 litres of milk is required.

Types of Cheese White Mould Spores can be used on

All white mould such as Camembert, Brie and Triple Cream, Coulommiers, Chaource, Neufchatel, Chevre, Chèvre frais, St-Maure, St Marcellin, Valençay, Selles- sur- Cher, Lactic Acid Set cheeses, Pouligny St Pierre, Crottin, blue white mixed, Ashed.


·         White mould is the generic name given to Penicillium Candidum.

·         Each white mould will provide its own characteristics to add to the flavour and ripening of the cheese. PC ABL produces traditional French style of white mould with a thin rind, since Mycelia hairs are shorter. It has a dominant mushroom flavour that is sweet and pleasant, with a good level of ketones and sulphur flavours and with a medium to high level of proteolysis and lipolysis.

·         It is fast growing.

·         Ideally use this white mould with Geotrichum Candidum to hasten white mould growth.

Cheesemaking tips for getting the best from this culture

·         Optimum growth temperature is 8°C -20°C but ideally but it is usually best to keep the temperature below 13°C for the white mould growth phase.

·         Leathery rind can be caused by slow white mould growth, lack of humidity during mould growth, ripening in excess of 14°C, cheese drying after being wrapped.

·         White Mould is usually added to the milk (recommended) but can also be added to the brine and/or sprayed onto the cheese after dry salting. For spraying onto cheese prepare a spray bottle by sanitising it well with hot water.  No chemical sanitising.  Add approximately 200 ml of boiled cool water to the spray bottle, shake and lightly ‘mist’ (do not soak the cheese) the contents onto all sides of the cheese. White mould (and Geo) can be added together to the 200ml of water if you require white mould coverage.

·         Wrapping white mould cheese in professional cheese wraps allows the ammonia developed during ripening to escape while maintaining moisture within the cheese.  Ripening wrapped cheese at temperatures between 4°C – 7°C is recommended to slow proteolysis but allow lipolysis to keep progressing. This provides slower ripening time but provides a better all-round flavour development.

·         The biomechanical reactions continue once the cheese has been packaged and stored at low temperatures.
